Sound Explicit is a cycle of live audio–visual experimental performances that presents a Diversity of genres: from sound research to various forms of improvisation and experimental sound processing, sometimes accompanied by video. The cycle was first conceived in 2003, with the purpose of supporting a wider spectrum of creative composition and research in the field of audio-visual art, predominantly those non-popular forms which are rarely included in Slovenian programmed offerings.

Sound Explicit 2020
Jakopič Gallery, Slovenska cesta 9, Ljubljana
Admission: 7 EUR
Monday, 7 September 2020 at 8 p.m.
- Monolit (Zsofi Klacsmann, Žiga Golob, Andrej Hrvatin)
- Tomaž Grom & Zlatko Kaučič

Ambientalni koncert drone glasbe za kontrabas, čelo in trak
Zsofi Klacsmann – cello
Žiga Golob – double bass
Andrej Hrvatin – project author and electronic editing
Monolit is a concert version of the contemporary drone music composition on the theme of the construction of a fictional language emerging from large drones used by the musicians to fill the room and weave a multidimensional soundscape of aliquots, reverberations, and rhythmical waves. Accompanied by electronic editing and following the musical score, the musicians are discovering the microcosm of individual tones and enter an intense state of focus, which they transmit to the audience. Monolit relates freely to the monoliths of Clarke’s and Kubrick’s stories 2001: A Space Odyssey. It seeks to create an imaginary contact and expand our perceptions, or in the words of Carl Sagan: In the deepest sense the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence is a search for ourselves.
(Photo: Igor Unuk)

The musicians will present their new album, The Ear Is The Shadow Of The Eye.
Tomaž Grom is a Slovenian double bass player and composer. As an improviser, he is dedicated to exploring popular double bass playing techniques, guided by the principle of spontaneity. He has performed in numerous ensembles of various musical genres at festivals across Europe and Canada. He has written original music for more than sixty performances and films in Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Italy. He has received several awards for this work. He is the founder and programme manager of the Sploh Institute, which is engaged in the production of music and performance projects, as well as education and publishing. He regularly collaborates with Samo Kutin, Vid Drašler, Jošt Drašler, Irena Z. Tomažin, Andrej Fon, Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec.
Zlatko Kaučič, a leading Slovenian jazz musician, drummer, percussionist and composer, has recorded more than sixty CDs during his successful forty‑year career, including the solo project Round Trip, Emotional Playgrounds, Golden Boat, Golden Boat 2, Peacock (among the top 100 best albums of 2007 on the website All About Jazz), The Tolmin Revolt, triple album on the 30th anniversary of his career (ranked among the top 10 albums of 2009 by the British magazine JazzTimes and Italian magazine Jazzcolours), Emigrants (ranked among the 100 best albums of 2011 by critics), Round About One O’Clock (ranked among the top tem albums of 2011). Zlatko Kaučič played and recorded with musicians such as John Lewison, Kenny Wheeler, Paul Bley, Albert Mangelsdorff, Chico Freeman, Louis Sclavis, Peter Peter Brözman, Alexander Bălănescu, Marc Ribot, and others. He is the leader of the music band Kombo in Nova Gorica and has also produced music for several films and documentaries in Spain, Italy and Slovenia. He received the Bronze Key of the City of Hong Kong (1979), Silver Key of the City of Vigo (Spain), and recognition awards by The Municipality of Brda (2008) and by the Prešeren Fund (2011).
(Photo: Marcandrea)
Tuesday, 8 September 2019 at 8 p.m.
- Jure Pukl & Howard Curtis
- Igor Matković & Mario Babojelić
- Bratko Bibič & Dedley Woodleybears feat. Sašo Vollmaier

Jure Pukl, one of the most creative saxophone players of the younger Slovenian jazz generation, has been playing with Howard Curtis since 2004. Together they recorded several CDs, including Jure Pukl – The Long Run for the Austrian national broadcaster ORF (2009) and Howard Curtis’ Percussion Discussion. Their original music draws from different musical genres, with the common denominator being improvisation, interaction, lyricism, and journey to the unknown. Pukl is active on numerous world stages. Among other things, he won the Prešeren Fund Award.
Howard Curtis is a renowned percussionist and a mentor to many young musicians. Their common musical creation reflects their long‑standing friendship.
(Photo: Matej Vidmar)

Igor Matković and Mario Babojelić will premiere a new project created at the invitation of the Sound Explicit organizer.
Igor Matkovič is one of the most interesting trumpet players on the Slovenian jazz scene. He studied trumpet at the Jazz Department of the University of Graz (Austria). In addition to trumpet, he plays keyboards and is a music producer. He has participated on more than thirty records and given concert both in Europe and USA. He has recently toured in China and Africa. He is a guest of numerous jazz festivals and prestigious concert halls.
Mario Babojelić is a guitarist, music arranger and producer who works with different music ensembles and musicians such as AKA Neomi, Bowrain, Denis Beganović, Marina Martensson, and Teo Collori. He completed his guitar studies at the Klagenfurt Conservatory of Music. In addition to regular concerts, he teaches guitar at the Franc Šturm Music School. Apart from regular concerts, he teaches guitar at the Franc Šturm Music School.
(Photo: Boris Zabukovec)

Bratko Bibič (SI) – accordion, vocals
Paul Schuberth (A) – accordion, vocals
Victoria Vicy Pfeil (A) – axophones, vocals
Tomáš Novák (CZ) – violin, vocal
Sašo Vollmaier (SI) – electric piano
As part of the Sound Explicit cycle, composer and accordionist Bratko Bibič will disperse the musical repertoire configuration with his collaborators, with whom he has been co-creating in the B.B. & Dedley Woodleybears quartet for more than five years. The musicians will intertwine Bibič’s selected imaginative film narratives and mixed medleys with their own collection of avant-garde jazz, new music, experimental world music, and improvisation. Piano interventions and interactions by Sašo Vollmaier will make an important contribution to the latter. The performance is related to the release of Bratko Bibič’s double album Hommage à cliché, which prominently includes the recordings of the songs performed and co‑authored by everyone involved.
(Photo: Elena Shirin, Nada Žgank, Miha Matavž)
P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Institute
P74 Gallery, Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, 1000 Ljubljana
Project Leader: Mojca Zupanič
In cooperation with: Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana
Supported by: City of Ljubljana – Department for Culture, Balassi Institute
Sponsor: Pizzeria Foculus