Born 1970 in Ljubljana, Slovenia

1996, Diploma in architecture, Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana
2001, Diploma in sculpture, Academy of Fine Arts, Ljubljana
2005, MFA in sculpture and new media, Academy of Fine Arts, Ljubljana
2009-2014, Ph.D. Artistic Research, Visual Arts at Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany

Polonca Lovsin is visual artist and architect. Her long term projects belongs to the segment of contemporary arts practices known as art-as-research. Polonca Lovšin focuses mainly on the dynamic and constantly changing relationship between the urban and the rural. This was also the theme of her doctoral study, which she finished at Bauhaus University in Weimar in 2015. Polonca Lovšin has participated in numerous exhibitions at home and abroad, among others: at Kunstverein Gera, Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridge; A + A Gallery in Venice; as well as in Hamburg, Paris, Prague, Berlin, Copenhagen, Liege, Bologna, Poznań, Celje, Slovenj Gradec, and at P74 Gallery, Ljubljana. She is a recipient of the »Zlata ptica (“Golden Bird”) Award« in 2010 for the visual arts and Rihard Jakopič Award in 2018. She has also participated in several international art residencies in Cambridge, Hamburg, Berlin, London, Bratislava and California.


The Forest in Women’s Hands and Mushrooms at the End of the World, Slovenian Forestry Institute, Večna pot 2, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Polonca Lovšin,Pivka Culture House, Pivka, Slovenia

Movement for Public Speech, Cultural Centre Tobačna 001, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Zaradi dreves ne vidimo gozda, atelje, Šmartinska 17, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Silent House, Tejka Pezdirc in dialogue with Polonca Lovšin, Alkatraz Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Pollinators Collective, MKC Maribor – Media Nox Gallery, Maribor, Slovenia
Be a Bee, Miro Kranjc Gallery, Kosovelov dom, Sežana, Slovenia

Man Is Full, the Goat Is Whole, P74 Gallery, Ljubljana
Movement for Public Speech, Trg Leona Stuklja, UGM Maribor, Slovenia
Chicken or Egg, Hiša kulture Pivka, Slovenia

Dinamo-Gibanje za Javni Govor, UGM Maribor, Slovenia
Prepih: Polonca Lovšin, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova(MSUM), Ljubljana
Golden Egg-Berlin, Agora Collective, Berlin, Germany

Every Egg Matters, P74 Gallery, Ljubljana

Back to the City, Gallery Kibela, Maribor
Electrified Dreams, Kunstverein Gera, Germany

A Day with a Goat, Beyond the Construction Site, action in urban space, Ljubljana
Dynamo Street Lamp, Kraigherjeva Square, group performance in urban space, Ljubljana

Dynamo Door Dance – Wysings Arts Centre, Cambridge, UK
Bees, Cows, Lemons and Potato Peelings – P74 Center and Gallery, Ljubljana

Tales from Inner Space – Gallery Öl-Früh, Hamburg, Germany
How To – La Vitrine Gallery, Pekarna Cultural Center, Maribor, Slovenia

Suddenly, a Change – Fine Arts Salon, Celje, Slovenia
Multi-Purpose  Gallery A+A, Venice, Italy


Layering – Collage and Assemblage in Contemporary Slovene Art, Cukrarna, Ljubljana, Slovenia
10th Triennial of Contemporary Art – U3 | Against the Stream of Time, Moderna Art Gallery (MG+), Ljubljana, Slovenia
Wild Spots, Centre for Contemporary Art, Graz, Austria
Habitat Graz, Graz Museum Sackstraße, Graz, Austria

Buzzing Slovenia. Of Bees and People, Museum Europäischer Kulturen (MEK), Berlin, Germany
Our Ships vol.2, P74 Gallery Vienna, Austria

Our ships, P74 Gallery, Ljubljana
Emergency Exit II., Museum of Contemporary Art (+MSUM), Ljubljana, Slovenia
RETURNING THE GAZE, Cukrarna, Ljubljana, Slovenia

EKO 8, International Triennial of Art and Environment / A Letter to the Future, Premises of the former MTT textile factory, Maribor Melje, Slovenia
When Gesture Becomes Event, City Art Gallery Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia

When Gesture Becomes Event, Kunstlerhaus, Vienna, Austria
SPEKULA ///2020, Meduza Gallery, Koper, Slovenia

SAMO, KAPSULA, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubljana worship Slovenia III: Kočevje, Match Gallery / MGML, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Beleženja stvarnosti – subjektivizacija objektivnega, Short movie night, video archiv DIVA / SCCA-Ljubljana, Kinoteka, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Inventory, -ies (f), Collections on the move: UGM Collection hosted by KGLU, KGLU/Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Koroška, Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia
De-Stressed Tree, with event: Imagining a Positive Future, NASUTI Festival, Nova Cvernovka, Bratislava, Slovakia
INVERTING BATTLEFIELDS, Art in Public Space Styria / Universalmuseum Joanneum, Feldbach, Austria
SAMO, Hiša kulture Pivka, Slovenia
Zavihajmo rokave, Gallery of contemporary art Celje, Slovenia

Leave it in the Ground, House of Arts, Usti nad Labem, Chech Republic
e-city: Ljubljana, Movement for Public Speech, Apollonia, Strassbourg, France
Utopia / Dystopia: Architecture, City, Territory, City Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
The Economy of Nature, P74 Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Stories from the Edge 2,, Kunsthaus Graz, Graz, Austria
Stories from the Edge 1,, Kunsthaus Graz, Graz, Austria
Stories from the Edge, MLZ ART DEP, Trieste, Itally

Crises and New Beginnings: Art in Slovenia 2005–2015, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, +MSUM, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Jože Barši, Polonca Lovšin, Uroš Potočnik, KAPSULA, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Polonca Lovšin in Urška Jurman, Architecture Week, Priština, Kosovo
Green Islands 2015, Ubran Hives, aMAZElab, Art, Nature, Landscape, Garibaldi Train Station, Milano Design, Week, Milano (upcoming, April)
Res Publica M, Intervention in non active construction site, togehter with Kud Obrat (Stefan Doepner, Urska Jurman, Polonca Lovsin, Apolonija Sustersic), Masarykova Street, Ljubljana

Hands on Urbanism, The Right to Green, Gallery Dessa, Ljubljana
VIDEObonbon, Kunsthalle Erfurt, Erfurt, Germany
City perspectives / DiePerspektiven der Stadt, Photon Gallery Vienna
Measures of saving the World – Part 5, Rotor Gallery, Graz, Austria

What about Urban gardens? – Ethnographic Museum, Ljubljana
Protective Space – Thealit Lab 2013, Bremen
Resilience, U3, 7th Triennial of Contemporary Art – MSUM, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana
The last five-year period – Tobacna 001 Cultural Center, Ljubljana
Smart Urban planning – Faculty for the Architectur department for Urban Planning, University of Ljubljana

Public Speech – Koroška Gallery Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia
City Perspectives, Video Lake Festival, Tihany, Artplacc – Budapest
Hunters and Hunted,  Insects in Contemporary Art – Villa Rot, Burgrieden, Germany
Tricky Woman 2012, International animationsfilm festival – Top Kino, Vienna
20 for 15 – Center and Gallery P74, Ljubljana

Polonca Lovšin, Back to the City – SCCA, Ljubljana
On a different Soil – Yo-Yo Prague and OKNO, Brussels, Nová scéna, Prague
Urban Festival – Kino Grič, Zagreb

Diva Station, digital video archive – City Gallery Arsenal, Poznan
Sculpture Today – Museum of Modern Art, Celje
The Artist Book in Slovenia from 1966-2010 – Gallery Kresija, Ljubljana
U3 – 6th Triennial of Contemporary Art in Slovenia: An Idea for Living. Realism and Reality in Contemporary Art in Slovenia – Moderna Galerija, Ljubljana
Home – City Gallery of Ljubljana, Ljubljana

namaTRE.ba 3, Academy of Fine Arts, Trebinje
PHOTONIC, LUMINATIC: New Slovenian Photography and Video – Kultur Zentrum Korotan, Vienna

Museum in the Street – Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana
Researchers / Forschers – Silberraum Schute (Maknete), Hamburg
Video in progress 2 / City Perspectives – Photon Gallery, Ljubljana
PHOTONIC, LUMINATIC: New Slovenian Photography and Video – K2 Contemporary Art Center, Izmir
HACK.Fem.EAST, Women, Technology and Networks in Eastern Europe – Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Bethanien, Berlin
Adri/Art: Contemporary Art the two shores of the Adriatic Sea – Svevo Castle, Termoli
Open – KAPSULA, Ljubljana
Past for the Future  renovation of 20. Century Architecture – Kresija Gallery, Ljubljana