Born 1955, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Lives and works in Ljubljana, Slovenia


Jože Barši, Glej Gallery, Ljubljana (12 February–12 March)

Jože Barši, Gallery of Expanded Media, Zagreb (11–17 December)
[part of the project Slovenski kipari u Galeriji proširenih medija / Slovenian Sculptors in the Gallery of Expanded Media] [exhibition catalogue, text: Goran Tomčić, Nataša Jovičić]

Jože Barši. Stvari II, GT Gallery, Ljubljana (3 October–4 November)

Jože Barši. Zdenka Žido, Equrna Gallery, Ljubljana (21 May–6 June)
Jože Barši. Bojan Bensa, Rotovž Exhibition Salon, Maribor (30 July–30 August)
[exhibition catalogue, text: Mitja Visočnik]

Jože Barši, Faculty of Economicy library, Ljubljana (October)

Jože Barši, Vila Katarina, Ljubljana (5–20 May)
[a newsletter accompanied the exhibition: Klara Klausberger. Časopis za kiparstvo, arhitekturo in reklamo (ed. Jože Barši, Alenka Pirman), issue #0, Ljubljana: Galerija Škuc, s.a. [1993]; the newsletter continued to be published to accompany several other Barši’s solo exhibitions; issue #0 appeared in German translation for his solo exhibition in Villach, Austria, in 1993]

Jože Barši. Produkcija Klare Klausberger / Klara Klausberger Production, Mala galerija, Ljubljana (9 September–6 October)
[exhibition catalogue, text: Laura Safred, bio-bibliography: Eva Gspan]

Jože Barši, Galerie Freihausgasse, Villach (Austria) (7 December 1993–31 January 1994) [newsletter Klara Klausberger. Zeitung für Bildhauerei, Architektur und Werbung (ed. Jože Barši, Alenka Pirman, Gregor Podnar), issue #0, Villach: Stadt Villach – Kultur, s.a. [1993]]

Jože Barši, Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana (25 May–17 June)
[newsletter: Klara Klausberger. Časopis za kiparstvo, arhitekturo in reklamo (ed. Jože Barši, Katarina Višnar, Alenka Pirman), #1, Ljubljana: Galerija Škuc, 1994] [Barši exhibited: Orlando, Garden, Arabach, Bridges and Bathrooms, 1994, Klara (1935-1983)]

Jože Barši, Likovni salon, Celje (Slovenia) (June)
[newsletter Klara Klausberger. Časopis za kiparstvo, arhitekturo in reklamo (ed. Jože Barši, Katarina Višnar, Alenka Pirman), #1, Ljubljana: Galerija Škuc, 1994]

Jože Barši, Ifa Galerie, Bonn (14 March–29 April)
[exhibition catalogue, text: Zdenka Badovinac] [Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen published a catalogue for Barši’s exhibitions at the Ifa Gallery Bonn and the Ifa Gallery Stuttgart]

Jože Barši, Marjetica Potrč. Architektur – Skulptur, Ifa Galerie, Stuttgart (1 September–22 October) [exhibition catalogue, text: Zdenka Badovinac]

Jože Barši, Mestna galerija, Piran (Slovenia) (3–21 November)
[newsletter Klara Klausberger. Časopis za kiparstvo, arhitekturo in reklamo, special issue, Piran: Obalne galerije – Mestna galerija Piran (November) 1995, pp. 24 (in Slovenian and German)]

Jože Barši. “There are many answers to the question about why to grow vegetables…”, La Biennale di Venezia. 47. Esposizione Internazionale d’arte, Ateneo San Basso, Slovenian Pavilion, Venice (11 June–28 September) [Biennale catalogue and special catalogue]

Jože Barši in Mika Watanabe, Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana (16 September–3 October)
[Annual Catalogue of the Škuc Gallery 1997, pp. 50-59.]

Javno stranišče / Public Toilet (with: Martina Bastarda, Mateja Ocepek, Nataša Skušek), former army barracks on Metelkova Street, Ljubljana
[erected on 3 December 1999; later removed from its original site; now part of the Moderna galerija collection]

Jože Barši. Neobičajne dvojice / Jože Barši. Unusual Pairs, Likovni salon and Radio Celje, Celje (Slovenia) (23 February–16 March) [exhibition traveled to Salon Minimal, Ljubljana, 2001]

Jože Barši. Neobičajne dvojice, Salon Minimal, Ljubljana (26 April–26 May)

Jože Barši. Hiša / House, Mala galerija, Ljubljana (13 September–18 October)
[folder, text: Igor Zabel; the folder is also a log of the construction process]

Jože Barši. Close Reading, Gregor Podnar Gallery, Ljubljana (22 June–15 August)

Jože Barši. Brez naslova, SCCA – Center for Contemporary Arts, Ljubljana (25–26 October)

Jože Barši. 5 komentarjev, Kapsula Gallery, Ljubljana (1–14 May)

Jože Barši, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana (19 March–6 May) [exhibition catalogue]

Jože Barši, ZDSLU Gallery, Ljubljana (10. – 25 April)

Jože Barši, Polonca Lovšin, Uroš Potočnik, KAPSULA, Ljubljana, Slovenia

SPEECHES, PAMPHLETS (COMMENTS, reflections …) (solo), P74 Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Remembering and Forgetting , P74 Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Learning and Forgetting, City Gallery Ljubljana (MGML), Slovenia


Razstava del študentov likovne akademije v študijskem letu 1983/84, City Art Gallery, Ljubljana (24 June–4 August) [exhibition catalogue]

Mojca Oblak, Tadej Pogačar, Jože Barši, Klub mladih, Murska Sobota (Slovenia) (23–30 May)
Razstava del študentov likovne akademije v študijskem letu 1985/86, City Art Gallery, Ljubljana (5–30 November) [exhibition catalogue]

ALU 986/987. Razstava del študentov ALU, City Art Gallery, Ljubljana (22 February–22 March) [exhibition catalogue]

Kiparji: Barši, Bratuša, Makše, Potrč, Vodopivec, Zidar, Equrna Gallery, Ljubljana (20 January–8 February)
Jugoslovenska dokumenta ’89 / The Yugoslav Documents’89, Skenderija Olympic Center, Sarajevo (1 July–1 August) [exhibition catalogue]
Razprte podobe. Izbrana dela slovenske umetnosti osemdesetih let / Széttárt Képek. A szlovén müvészet vállogatott müvei a nyolcvanas évekböl / Disclosed Images. Selected Slovene Works of Art of the Eighties, Szombathely Képtár, Szombathely (Hungary) (22 September–28 October) [exhibition catalogue, text: Igor Zabel] [in 1990 the exhibition traveled to Műcsarnok (Ernst Museum in the catalogue), Budapest, and the Rotovž Exhibition Salon, Maribor]
9. jugoslovanski bienale male plastike, KC Miško Kranjec DE Galerija, Murska Sobota (Slovenia) (6 October–6 November)
[exhibition catalogue] [exhibition traveled to Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana (1990); Szombathely Képtár, Szombathely (1990); New Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow (1991)]
Izkušnja predmeta. Mladi slovenski umetniki / Experience of the Object, Young Slovene Artists, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana (7–30 November)
[exhibition catalogue, text: Zdenka Badovinac] [exhibition traveled to Mestna galerija, Piran (1990)]

9. jugoslovanski bienale male plastike, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana (8 January–3 February)
Izkušnja predmeta. Mladi slovenski umetniki / Experience of the Object, Young Slovene
Artists, Mestna galerija, Piran (Slovenia) (18 January–28 February)
Razprte podobe. Izbrana dela slovenske umetnosti osemdesetih let / Széttárt Képek. A szlovén müvészet vállogatott müvei a nyolcvanas évekböl / Disclosed Images. Selected Slovene Works of Art of the Eighties, Műcsarnok [Ernst Museum in the catalogue], Budapest (23 February–25 March)
9. jugoslovanski bienale male plastike, Szombathely Képtár, Szombathely (Hungary) (March)
Razprte podobe. Izbrana dela slovenske umetnosti osemdesetih let / Széttárt Képek. A szlovén müvészet vállogatott müvei a nyolcvanas évekböl / Disclosed Images. Selected Slovene Works of Art of the Eighties, Rotovž Exhibition Salon, Maribor (3–20 April)
Geometrije, Muzejot na sovremenata umetnost, Skopje (27 April–18 May 1990) [exhibition catalogue] [exhibition traveled to: Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade (1990); Galerija Likovnog susreta, Subotica (1990); Galerija Koprivnica, Koprivnica (1990); UGM – Maribor Art Gallery, Maribor (1990); Moderna galerija, Rijeka (1990); Umjetnička galerija BIH, Sarajevo (1990); Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb (1991)]
Geometrije, Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade (25 May–10 June)
Geometrije, Galerija Likovnog susreta, Subotica (Serbia) (15 June–1 July)
Geometrije, Galerija Koprivnica, Koprivnica (Croatia) (7–23 September)
Nova skulptura Slovenije, Mali salon, Rijeka (Croatia) (1–14 October) [exhibition catalogue, text: Berislav Valušek] [exhibition traeveled to: Galerija umjetnina (Salon Galič in the catalogue), Split (1990); Galerija Likovnog susreta (Galerija Likovni susret in the catalogue), Subotica (1990); Galerija Gradskog muzeja (Gradski muzej-galerija slika in the catalogue), Varaždin (1991)]
Geometrije, UGM – Maribor Art Gallery, Maribor (11–31 October)
Nova skulptura Slovenije, Galerija umjetnina (Salon Galič in the catalogue), Split (Croatia) (25 October–10 November)
Geometrije, Moderna galerija, Rijeka (Croatia) (opening on 3 November)
6. jugoslovenska izložba. Početak devedesetih. Skulptura, Galerija Meander, Apatin (Serbia) (9 November–25 December) [exhibition catalogue, text: Sava Stepanov]
Nova skulptura Slovenije, Galerija Likovnog susreta (Galerija Likovni susret in the catalogue), Subotica (Serbia) (14 December 1990–14 January 1991)
Geometrije, Umjetnička galerija BIH, Sarajevo (26 December 1990–January 1991)

9. jugoslovanski bienale male plastike, New Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow (January)
Nova skulptura Slovenije, Galerija Gradskog muzeja (Gradski muzej – Galerija slika in the catalogue), Varaždin (Croatia) (opening on 13 February)
Geometrije, Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb (7–31 March)
Zimski salon 1991, City Art Gallery, Ljubljana (7–28 March)
[exhibition catalogue, text: Aleksander Bassin] [exhibition traveled to Kongresshaus, Salzburg (1991)]
Kunst Alpe-Adria, Kongresshaus, Salzburg (18 July–10 August) [Zimski salon 1991 exhibition from Ljubljana]
Sekstant. 6 slovenskih umetnikov / Sestante, Galleria TK, Trieste (Italy) (28 November–12 December) [folder, text: Laura Safred]

Slikarji in kiparji za Metelkovo, Old Power Station, Ljubljana (4–7 February)
Molteplici culture, Museo del folklore Convento di S. Egidio, Rome (19 May–19 June) [exhibition catalogue]
Ribnica ‘90’91, Miklova hiša Gallery, Ribnica (Slovenia) (opening on 3 July) [exhibition catalogue]
Izbor iz Ribniške likovne zbirke, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana (6 August–6 September)
[exhibition catalogue] [(a selection of) the exhibition traveled to Mestna galerija, Piran (1992)]
Izbor iz Ribniške likovne zbirke, Mestna galerija, Piran (Slovenia) (23 October–23 November)
Plastik Akut 3, Kärntner Landesgalerie, Klagenfurt (Austria) (4–29 November) [exhibition catalogue, texts: Aleksander Bassin et al.]

De-figure, Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana (23 June–13 July)
[exhibition catalogue, text Nadja Zgonik] [exhibition traveled to Rotovž Exhibition Salon, Maribor (1993)]
De-figure, Rotovž Exhibition Salon, Maribor (12 August–2 September)
Kiparsko srečanje Radgona 93 / Sculptors’ Meeting Radgona 93, Paviljon Sejmišča, Gornja Radgona (Slovenia) (25 September–16 October)
[exhibition catalogue] [exhibition traveled to UGM – Maribor Art Gallery, Maribor (1993)]
Kiparsko srečanje. Radgona 93 / Sculptors’ Meeting. Radgona 93, UGM – Maribor Art Gallery, Maribor (26 October–16 November)

U3. 1. trienale sodobne slovenske umetnosti / U3. 1st Triennial of Contemporary Slovenian Art, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana (21 June–28 August)
[exhibition catalogue, text: Tomaž Brejc]
Izbrana dela slovenskih avtorjev iz zbirk Moderne galerije. Novejša dela. 5. dvorana / Selected Works of Slovene Artists from the Museum of Modern Art Collections. Recent works. Room 5, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana (23 December 1994–21 May 1995) [folder]
Shave ’94, Sommerset [exhibition catalogue] [exhibition at the end of a one-month residence]

Il cerchio delle fate, Pordenone (Italy) (7–10 April)
[exhibition catalogue, text: Sabrina Zannier]
“Hiša v času” za otroke v Bosni, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana (20 April–14 May)
Ljubljana–Budimpešta. Čas kot stuktura. Metoda kot pomen / Ljubljana–Budapest. Time as Structure, Method as Meaning, Stúdió Galéria, Budapest (18 October–4 November)
[folder and catalogue] [exhibition traveled to Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana (1995)]
P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum, Műcsarnok, Budapest (19 October–19 November 1995)
[exhibition catalogue, texts: Zdenka Badovinac, Hans Günter Golinski, Igor Zabel] [exhibition traveled to: Museum Bochum, Bochum (1996); it was planned to travel to Central House of Artists, Moscow, but this was not realized]
50 let ALU v Ljubljani. Profesorji slikarstva in kiparstva, Galerija Tivoli / MGLC – International Centre for Graphic Arts, Ljubljana (27 October–12 November)
4. Uluslararasi İstanbul Bienali. Orient/ation / 4th International İstanbul Biennial. Orient/ation, Hagia Eireni Museum, Istanbul (10 November–10 December)
[exhibition catalogue]
Ljubljana–Budimpešta. Čas kot stuktura.Metoda kot pomen / Ljubljana–Budapest. Time as Structure. Method as Meaning, Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana (28 November–15 December)
Cash and Carry – Ultraprodajna razstava, Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana (20–31 December)

P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum, Museum Bochum, Bochum (13 January–3 March)
MetelkovaPepelkova. Medpanožni umetniški festival, former army barracks on Metelkova Street, Ljubljana (starting on 21 May)
Art – Omi, Hudson [exhibition at the end of a one-month residence]

Izbrana dela slovenskih avtorjev iz zbirk Moderne galerije. Novejša dela III. 5 dvorana / Selected Works of Slovene Artists from the Museum of Modern Art Collections. Recent works III. Room 5, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana (18 January–15 April) [folder]
Nerazložljiva navzočnost (Kustosova delovna soba), Moderna galerija, Ljubljana (20–31 May) [exhibition traveled to: Galerija sodobne umetnosti, Celje, (1998)]
Drevo. 5. dvorana / Tree. Room 5, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana (6 November 1997–1 June 1998) [folder, text: Igor Zabel]
U3. 2. trienale sodobne slovenske umetnosti / U3. 2nd Triennale of Contemporary Slovene Art, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana (14 November 1997–11 January 1998) [exhibition catalogue]

Do It, Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana (4 February–14 March) [exhibition catalogue]
Nerazložljiva navzočnost (Kustosova delovna soba), Galerija sodobne umetnosti, Celje (Slovenia) (10 February)

Art in Slovenia 1976–1999, Pretorska palača, Koper (Slovenia) (6 June–4 August)
Beyond Time – Shelter, Novosibirsk [exhibition at the end of a residence]
Somewhere Else. The Stockholm Connection, ACC Galerie, Weimar (10 December 1999–30 January 2000) [exhibition catalogue]

Tandem Project, District of Columbia Arts Center, Washington D.C.
What, How & for Whom. On the occasion of 152nd anniversary of the Communist Manifesto / Što, kako i za koga, Dom hrvatskih likovnih umjetnika, Zagreb (16 June–10 July) (with Maja Licul) [exhibition catalogue] [exhibition traveled to Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna (2001)]
Celje. Povečava / Celje. Blowup, Spodnji grad, Celje (Slovenia) (21 June–15 July)
[exhibition catalogue, text: Irena Čerčnik]
2000+ Arteast Collection. Umetnost Vzhodne Evrope v dialogu z Zahodom. Od 1960. let do danes / 2000+ Arteast Collection. The Art of Eastern Europe in Dialogue with the West. From the 1960s to the Present, Metelkova 22 [unrenovated former army barracks building], Ljubljana (24 June–30 August) [exhibition catalogue; Barši is not mentioned]
New Works / New Europe. Selected Faculty Work from the Academies of Fine Arts in Ljubljana, Sarajevo and Zagreb, University of Pennsylvania, Indiana (September–December)
[exhibition catalogue] [exhibition traveled to: Pittsburg (2001); Links for International Promotion of the Arts (LIPA), Chicago (2002)]

Oko in njegova resnica. Spektakel in resničnost v slovenski umetnosti 1984–2001 / The Eye and Its Truth. Spectacle and Reality in Slovene Art 1984–2001, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana (26 April–27 May) [folder, text: Igor Zabel]
New Works / New Europe. Selected Faculty Work from the Academies of Fine Arts in Ljubljana, Sarajevo and Zagreb, Pittsburg (opening in June)
Izbrana dela slovenskih avtorjev iz zbirk Moderne galerije 19502000 / Selected works of Slovene artists from the Museum of Modern Art collections 19502000, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana (5 June 2001–29 October 2006) [exhibition catalogue]
24. mednarodni grafični bienale. Informacija – dezinformacija / 24th International Biennial of Graphic Art. Information – Misinformation, radio project, Ljubljana (10 June–16 September)
[exhibition catalogue]
What, How & for Whom. on the occasion of 153nd anniversary of the Communist Manifesto / Što, kako i za koga, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna (21 June–28 July)
Pogled na kiparstvo v času prehoda osemdesetih v devetdeseta leta. Izbor iz Ribniške likovne zbirke I., Miklova hiša Gallery, Ribnica (Slovenia) (3 August–10 September)
Arteast 2000+. The Art of Eastern Europe. A Selection of Works for the International and National Collection of Moderna galerija Ljubljana, Orangerie Congress, Innsbruck (14–21 November) [exhibition catalogue] [exhibition traveled to: Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe (2002); Čifte Amam, Skopje (2002); Moderna galerija, Ljubljana (2004)]
Ausgeträumt…, Wiener Secession, Vienna (28 November 2001–3 February 2002) [exhibition catalogue, text: Igor Zabel]

Project: Broadcasting, Technical Museum, Zagreb (26 January–3 March) [exhibition catalogue]
Helium #4, internet project under the auspices of the Norwegian online newspaper BallongMagasinet and the Norwegian Institute for Contemporary Art (NIFCA); selector for issue #4 Duba Sambolec
Arteast 2000+. Kunst aus Osteuropa, Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe (27 April–26 May)
2000+ Arteast Collection, Čifte Amam, Skopje (6–30 September)
Steirischer Herbst. Modesty / Štajerska jesen. Zmernost, Pavelhaus, Laafeld (Austria) (5 October–13 November) [exhibition catalogue]
Walking, Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana (19 October–15 November)
New Works / New Europe, Links for International Promotion of the Arts (LIPA), Chicago (14 November–21 December)

Modesty, Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana (25 March–3 May)
[part of the exhibition also at Mala galerija, Ljubljana; presentation of the 2002 project Steirischer Herbst. Modesty / Štajerska jesen. Zmernost, but not featuring the same artists]
Replay, Gallery P74, Ljubljana (20 May–18 June)
Super! District of Columbia Arts Center, Washington (30 May–6 July)
Poesis. The Everyday Differently / Poesis. Hetkoznapok Maskeppen, Műcsarnok, Budapest (14 August–21 September) [exhibition catalogue]
Siete già li. L’arte contemporanea in Slovenia / Ste že tam. Sodobna umetnost v Sloveniji, Loggia della Mercanzia, Genoa (9–22 November) [folder, text: Igor Španjol]

Arteast 2000+. Izbor del iz mednarodne in nacionalnih zbirk Moderne galerije, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana (3 February–2 May)
Okna, Kresija Gallery, Ljubljana (14 April–29 May) [folder, text: Igor Zabel]
Razširjeni prostori umetnosti. Slovenska umetnost 19851995 / Art in Extended Spaces. Slovene Art 19851995, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana (22 June–10 October) [anthology]
Who if not we…?Episode 3: Cordially Invited, BAK-basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht (31 October–31 December) [book]
7 grehov: LjubljanaMoskva / 7 Sins: LjubljanaMoscow, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana (20 December 2004–13 March 2005) [exhibition catalogue]

26. grafični bienale Ljubljana. Prva linija / 26th Biennial of Graphic Arts Ljubljana. The First Line, MGLC – International Centre for Graphic Arts, Ljubljana (23 June–2 October) [exhibition catalogue]
Za-Zen, Galerija Moria, Hvar (Croatia) (16 July–10 August) [exhibition catalogue, text: Radmila Iva Janković]
Teritoriji, identitete, mreže. Slovenska umetnost 1995–2005 / Territories, Identities, Nets. Slovene Art 1995–2005, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana (9 August–1 November) [exhibition catalogue]
Oscilacije. 30 dni zvoka / Oscillations. 30 Days of Sound, Mala galerija, Ljubljana (15 December 2005–15 January 2006) [exhibition catalogue, text: Bojana Piškur]

Pogovarjanja / Conversations / Conversas, Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana (7 February–10 March) [folder]
Prostor mesta, Kresija Gallery, Ljubljana (18 May–6 June)
Zbirka Arteast 2000+23 / Arteast Collection 2000+23, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana (22 September–22 October) [exhibition guide]

Dobre pedagoške prakse. Jože Barši in študentje ALUO, Center and Gallery P 74, Ljubljana (4– 18 March)
15. let avtonomnega kulturnega centra Metelkova mesto, Alkatraz Gallery, Ljubljana (8–10 September)
Muzej na cesti / Museum in the Streets, Ljubljana (23 September–19 October)
[exhibition catalogue, texts: Zdenka Badovinac, Bojana Piškur]

Prepovedana smrt / Forbidden Death, Galerija sodobne umetnosti, Celje (Slovenia) (2 October–20 November) [exhibition also in Likovni salon and St Elisabeth Chapel Celje] [exhibition catalogue]
2030: War Zone Amsterdam. Imagining the Unimaginable (curated by Brigitte van der Sande), Amsterdam [starting in November 2009, the project was terminated before completion due to insufficient funding]

U3. 6. trienale sodobne umetnosti v Sloveniji. Ideja za življenje. Realizem in realno v sodobni umetnosti v Sloveniji / U3. 6th Triennial of Contemporary Art in Slovenia. An Idea for Living. Realism and Reality in Contemporary Art in Slovenia, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana (15 June–19 September) [exhibition catalogue]
Konvencija Blind Date. 1. mednarodni festival knjige umetnika in umetniških publikacij.
Knjiga umetnika v Sloveniji, Kresija Gallery, Ljubljana (14 September–1 October) [folder]

20. stoletje. Kontinuitete in prelomi / 20th Century. Continuities and Ruptures, Moderna galerija, Ljubljana (opening on 29 July) [exhibition guide]

Sedanjost in prisotnost. Izbor del iz zbirke Arteast 2000+ in nacionalne zbirke Moderne galerije / The Present and Presence. Selected works from the Arteast 2000+ collection and the Moderna galerija national collection, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana (opening on 26 November) [glossary and exhibition guide]

Sedanjost in prisotnost – ponovitev 1. Izbor del iz zbirke Arteast 2000+ in nacionalne zbirke Moderne galerije / The Present and Presence – Repetition 1. A selection of works from the Arteast 2000+ collection and the national collection of Moderna galerija, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana (17 April–28 October) [exhibition catalogue]
Sedanjost in prisotnost – ponovitev 2 / The Present and Presence – Repetition 2, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana (9 October–11 November)

Vmesna postaja 1 : 1 / Stopover 1 : 1, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana (17 October–12 January 2014) [exhibition catalogue, texts: Zdenka Badovinac, Igor Španjol et al.]
Museum as a Space for Utopia, The Gallery of Fine Arts, Slovenj Gradec (29 November–15 January 2014)
MADE IN CHINA, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana (16 December–5 January 2014)
Crno na belom, Academia Moderna. Zagreb (18 December–4 January 2014)

MADE IN CHINA, International centre of graphic arts, Ljubljana (25 February–21 June) [exhibition traveled to City Art Gallery, Ljubljana, 2014]
Izbor del iz Ribniške likovne zbirke z možnimi perspektivami, Miklova hiša Gallery, Ribnica (Slovenia) (22 May – 22 June)
Politicization of Friendship, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana (1 July–28 September) [exhibition catalogue]

Crises and New Beginnings: Art in Slovenia 2005–2015, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, +MSUM, Ljubljana, Slovenia
The Present and Presence – Repetition 9, +MSUM, Ljubljana, Slovenia
GRAMMAR OF FREEDOM / 5 LESSONS: Works from the Arteast 2000+ Collection, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow (5 February–19 April)

The Second Explosion – the ’90s, National museum of Slovenia – Metelkova, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Low Budget Utopias – First Recycling, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova (+MSUM), Ljubljana, Slovenia
Beyond the Globe | 8th Triennial of Contemporary Art – U3, Moderna Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
The End of the New, Villa Ottelio Savorgnan, Ariis Rivignano Teor, Italy
Low Budget Utopias, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova (+MSUM), Ljubljana, Slovenia

The Economy of Nature, P74 Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
The Legacy of 1989/ Case study: the second Yugoslav Documents, Moderna Art Gallery (MG+), Ljubljana, Slovenia
Exhibition from the collections / Low budget utopias – second recycling,Moderna Art Gallery (+MSUM), Ljubljana, Slovenia

Art at Work, At the Crossroads Between Utopianism and (In)Dependence, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova (+MSUM), Ljubljana, Slovenia
Our ships, P74 Gallery, Ljubljana

Picture (a) City, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova (+MSUM), Ljubljana, Slovenia